Writer and director Kamal Musale has given us a gift with the film Mother Teresa & Me which opens at theaters across the US for one day, only on October 5th. In the present day, India-born Londoner Kavita (played stunningly by Banita Sandhu) has just found out- by accident and after being struck by a car- that she is pregnant by her band-member boyfriend. When it is clear that boyfriend wants nothing more to do with her, Kavita must decide what to do about the new life she is carrying. Thus, the cross that Kavita will bear for the rest of her life is established- and so is the theme of the value of life and how that value is so easily discarded by our modern culture. Kavita goes to an abortion clinic and is moved by seeing a woman emerging from a treatment room, crying. She dials her discarding boyfriend and gets the ironic voice mail answering message, “Hi, this is Paul; you know what to do…” It’s not too much of a *spoiler alert* to share that Kavita really does know what to do: she runs out of the clinic, setting the stage for a new life of pursuing a faith-filled life. Kavita decides to travel back to India- to a state on the Malabar Coast that announces population of 34.63 million people to escape the pain of the rejection and seek the love and affection of a woman she knew […]